Saturday, February 20, 2010

Book Review: Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day

Artisan Bread in 5 Min a Day, by Jeff Hertzberg, M.D., and Zoe Francois is an intersting bread book. I had first heard about their 5 min bread recipe in a youtube video a year ago, and When I saw the book in Barnes and Noble I just had to take a gaze. The basic idea of their method is that you make a wet dough, you let it rise without kneading, then you store it in the refrigerator for use as you knead it (haha get it "knead"). They say in the introduction that pre-mixed, pre-risen, high moisture dough keeps well in th refrigerator. This is true. I keep my pizza dough in the refrigerator for quite while. The fact theat they do not knead their bread is also solid considering that there are two ways to get gluten development: one being agitation and the other being time (just letting it sit like the New Yor Times no-knead bread that hit a few years back. They dispense alot of myths about baking, though I still stand by my punch down and re-rise method which they don't like. he book is extremely informative with clear recipes and lots of tips. One complaint (though mostly aestetic) is that it's lacking in pictures, and the pictures it does have are in dull black and white. I beleive alot of lerning to make bread is actually seeing what it should look like and not just reading descriptions. All in all if you enjoy making bread and like learning different approaches it isa good book to get. A clear value at 27.99 U.S.

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